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 Multiple tracking numbers per order email message
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Ecommerce Template Guru

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Posted - 11/07/2016 :  19:50:00  
Hi all,

Not sure why, but if I enter two tracking numbers the customer email is showing the first one twice?

Tracking Number: 545882809136,9400110200986467563421

Email shows this:

Your Tracking number is: 545882809136
Additional Tracking number: 545882809136

If I put the 2nd tracking number is curly quotes I end up with:

Your Tracking number is: 545882809136
{Additional Tracking number: 545882809136}
(Still the same number twice)

I think it may have to do with the way I have my message set up...Can anyone help me out? This is driving me nuts.

Current setup for statusid6:

{%statusid6% Your Tracking number is: %trackingnum%
Additional Tracking number: %trackingnum%

Please note that we've assigned a tracking number before giving the package to the carrier. Tracking details for your shipment may not be available immediately. You may need to check periodically for updated information.

Shipments can be tracked by visiting our Tracking Page.

If the link is not clickable, visit the following page and enter your tracking number(s) above.

Review your Products & Get 10% Coupon as Thanks!:
Once you examine your order, please return to the product listing and provide ratings for the products you purchased. This helps other pet owners decide if this item is, well, pawtastic! :) Or not. :(

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If there are no links above, feel free to visit our site and review any item you'd like.}

Browns Summit NC USA

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2016 :  21:03:20  
try it like this

{%statusid6% Your Tracking number is: %trackingnum%
Additional Tracking number: {%trackingnum%}

Brackets around the additional tracking numbers

ECT Power User :)

Ecommerce Template Guru

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Posted - 11/07/2016 :  21:17:28  
Nope..... same number again & the curly brackets are in the email:

Your Tracking number is: 544709135842
Additional Tracking number: {544709135842}


I can't get this to work no matter how I set up the email message. It just keeps taking the 1st number and repeating it... maybe the instructions are off?


You can use multiple tracking numbers for one order by putting tracking number text in curly brackets so that it is removed if it is not used eg
{Your Tracking number is: %trackingnum%}
{Additional Tracking number: %trackingnum%}

Browns Summit NC USA

Ecommerce Template Guru

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Posted - 11/07/2016 :  21:24:37  
This doesn't work either:

{%statusid6% Your Tracking number is: %trackingnum%

{Additional Tracking number: %trackingnum%}

Email shows:

Your Tracking number is: 545882809136

{Additional Tracking number: 545882809136}


Browns Summit NC USA

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2016 :  21:36:35  
Maybe you are not closing the first curly...

{%statusid6% Your Tracking number is: %trackingnum%}

{Additional Tracking number: %trackingnum%}

ECT Power User :)

Ecommerce Template Guru

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Posted - 11/07/2016 :  22:09:56  
Nope, tried that too:

Your Tracking number is: 545882809136

{Additional Tracking number: 545882809136}

And it threw off the statusid6 area... so Order in Process email is showing all the ship text.

Maybe Andy can take a look at this, I don't think it's functioning correctly in version 6.5.6. Or at least with my setup.

Browns Summit NC USA

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2016 :  22:38:56  
I know it works because I have mine set to show up to 25 tracking numbers.

Here is what I have for ID 6

{%statusid6%<br />
Your order has been <b>shipped</b>.<br />
{Your Tracking number is: %trackingnum%<br />
Shipments can be tracked by visiting our <a href="">Tracking Page.</a><br />
If the link is not clickable, visit the following page and enter your tracking number %trackingnum%<br />
} {<strong>NOTE:</strong> Your shipment includes multiple packages, below are additional tracking numbers<br />
%trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
} { %trackingnum%<br />
}<br />
Note: it may take some time before the tracking info on your shipment is active.<br />
Note:More detailed tracking info may be available at the shipment carriers website.<br />
For UPS Shipments - <a href="">Click here to go to UPS website tracking.</a><br />
For FEDEX Shipments - <a href="">Click here to go to FEDEX website tracking.</a><br />
For US Postal Shipments - <a href="!input.action">Click here to go to US-Postal website tracking.</a><br />
Additional notes or comments regarding your order (If provided):<br />
<strong>%statusinfo%</strong><br />
<br />
Using your order ID and e-mail address you can check the current status of your order anytime on our <a href="">Order Status Page.</a><br />
You can also obtain a printable copy of your invoice there. (Your order ID is %orderid% and the e-mail address will be the address this message was sent to.)<br />
<br />
As always, thanks for shopping with<br />
If you have questions or comments regarding your order, visit our <a href="">contact page.</a> }

ECT Power User :)

Edited by - dbdave on 11/07/2016 22:39:15

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2016 :  22:42:52  
Ok, one last time... I looked at mine and yours and see the problem.

try this
{%statusid6% Your Tracking number is: {%trackingnum%}
{Additional Tracking number: %trackingnum%}

Please note that we've assigned a tracking number before giving the package to the carrier. Tracking details for your shipment may not be available immediately. You may need to check periodically for updated information.

Shipments can be tracked by visiting our Tracking Page.

If the link is not clickable, visit the following page and enter your tracking number(s) above.

Review your Products & Get 10% Coupon as Thanks!:
Once you examine your order, please return to the product listing and provide ratings for the products you purchased. This helps other pet owners decide if this item is, well, pawtastic! :) Or not. :(

For your convenience, we have provided links below.


If there are no links above, feel free to visit our site and review any item you'd like.}

ECT Power User :)

Ecommerce Template Guru

4061 Posts

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Posted - 11/07/2016 :  22:56:53  
Yes! You are a genius! (I knew it was my message that was messing it up)

One small issue - the tracking link now shows as

with no tracking number.

Link is coded:

It worked before w/one number, now it's not with one, either. Do I need to add the curly brackets to the link, you think?

Browns Summit NC USA

Edited by - Positivek9 on 11/07/2016 22:59:13

Ecommerce Template Guru

4061 Posts

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Posted - 11/07/2016 :  23:10:03  
Well, crap, the tracking link stopped adding the tracking number, adding brackets to the link did not help. Single tracking number, multiple tracking numbers... both result is the same link

Now it just takes the customer to the tracking page.

Figures... I get one issue solved, then another issue takes its place.

Browns Summit NC USA

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/08/2016 :  02:51:26  
Hi Julie

Can you let us know what you have now so we can take a look and try it out here?


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Ecommerce Template Guru

4061 Posts

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Posted - 11/08/2016 :  10:16:44  
Sure Andy! :)

The source code for the tracking link:
Shipments can be tracked by visiting our <a href="">Tracking Page.</a>


Hi %ordername%!

Your order #%orderid% has been updated from %oldstatus% to %newstatus%.


(begin statusid6 info)
{%statusid6% Your Tracking number is: {%trackingnum%}
{Additional Tracking number: %trackingnum%}

Please note that we've assigned a tracking number before giving the package to the carrier. Tracking details for your shipment may not be available immediately. You may need to check periodically for updated information.

Shipments can be tracked by visiting our Tracking Page. link source code above

If the link is not clickable, visit the following page and enter your tracking number(s) above.

Review your Products & Get a 10% Coupon as Thanks!
Once you examine your order, please return to the product listing and provide ratings for the products you purchased.
This helps other pet owners decide if this item is, well, pawtastic! :) Or not. :(
For your convenience, we have provided links below.


If there are no links above, feel free to visit our site and review any item you'd like.
10% coupon towards your next purchase will be sent to the email address on your order.} (end statusid6 info)

Using your order ID and e-mail address you can check the current status of your order anytime on our Order Status Page.
You can also obtain a printable copy of your invoice there.
(Your order ID is %orderid% and the e-mail address will be the address this message was sent to.)

If you have questions or comments regarding your order,
simply reply to this message or visit our contact page for more ways to contact us.

Browns Summit NC USA

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/08/2016 :  12:01:10  
So can you try it like this

{%statusid6% Your Tracking number is: %trackingnum%
Additional Tracking number: %trackingnum%}


Please feel free to review / rate our software

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/08/2016 :  12:07:41  
Andy, what you have there, I believe, is what she was using originally, and it only repeats the 1st tracking number.

You can use multiple tracking numbers for one order by putting tracking number text in curly brackets so that it is removed if it is not used eg

{Your Tracking number is: %trackingnum%}
{Additional Tracking number: %trackingnum%}

Julie, I see you got the multiple tracking numbers to show, but in your original post you have two different types of tracking numbers. It looks like from two different shipping carriers. Perhaps this is why the page is not linked because it is confused about what tracking carrier to show?

Are you testing with two tracking numbers from the same carrier?

ECT Power User :)

Edited by - dbdave on 11/08/2016 12:11:07

Ecommerce Template Guru

4061 Posts

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Posted - 11/08/2016 :  14:33:19  
Okay, I tested with just one number:

FedEx - link does not show the tracking #:
Your Tracking number is: 545882809136

And then with a USPS number:
Your Tracking number is: 9400110200986467565234

For some reason, it's just not adding the %trackingnum% to the link. It worked before, but not after I added the additional tracking number code. If I remove that, the link is still not calculating correctly.

I'm a bit stumped.

Browns Summit NC USA

Ecommerce Template Guru

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Posted - 11/08/2016 :  14:36:47  
And then tested with 2 tracking numbers, same carrier:

Your Tracking number is: 9400110200986467565234
Additional Tracking number: 9400110200986467562509

Tracking Page:

Browns Summit NC USA

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/09/2016 :  05:44:56  
I have tested and with some help from Vince, this should work for you

Hi %ordername%!

Your order #%orderid% has been updated from %oldstatus% to %newstatus%.


Your Tracking number is: %trackingnum%
Shipments can be tracked by visiting our <a href="">TRACKING PAGE.</a>
{Additional Tracking number: %trackingnum%}

Please note that we've assigned a tracking number before giving the package to the carrier. Tracking details for your shipment may not be available immediately. You may need to check periodically for updated information.

If the link is not clickable, visit the following page and enter your tracking number(s) above.

Review your Products & Get a 10% Coupon as Thanks!
Once you examine your order, please return to the product listing and provide ratings for the products you purchased.
This helps other pet owners decide if this item is, well, pawtastic! :) Or not. :(
For your convenience, we have provided links below.


If there are no links above, feel free to visit our site and review any item you'd like.
10% coupon towards your next purchase will be sent to the email address on your order.}

Using your order ID and e-mail address you can check the current status of your order anytime on our Order Status Page.
You can also obtain a printable copy of your invoice there.
(Your order ID is %orderid% and the e-mail address will be the address this message was sent to.)

If you have questions or comments regarding your order,
simply reply to this message or visit our contact page for more ways to contact us.


Please feel free to review / rate our software

Ecommerce Template Guru

4061 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 11/09/2016 :  10:04:22  
Thanks so much to David, Andy and Vince for your help wih this!!

It all seems to be working now... ::whew::

Browns Summit NC USA

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Posted - 08/16/2018 :  07:45:41  

Can someone offer the code for the email message for multiple carrier tracking on a PHP page?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2018 :  08:01:10  
Hi Brad

That goes in the admin email messaging page so would be the same for ASP and PHP - just change tracking.asp to tracking.php in the example.


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Advanced Member

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Posted - 08/16/2018 :  08:21:55  
Hi Andy,

I put that code in the email messages box, but the link is not active when one received an email status change. Only the code.
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