Posted - 10/21/2017 : 06:48:41
Folks - My first issue with the Black Stuff template is with the Logo and Logo Preview
When I click on the button to upload the logo, I am taken to a series of panels to upload and/or select a logo; all works well from here, [red]its when I return there appears to be an issue[/red].
My steps: 1) Navigate to BlackStuff Settings 2) Click on Upload Logo 3) Click on the Media Library 4) Click on Insert into Post (as no changes were required) 5) I am returned to the BlackStuff Settings
The Logo Preview remains blank The Logo, LogoHWS.png, does not appear in the header.
Work Around First, I had to manually load my logo, logoHWS.png to the Images folder Second, I modified the code in the Header-Theme to point to my logo; which now, after the modification, displays correctly.
Error in the Delivered Code: The original ECT logo provided in the images folder is named logo.png Your code, as it was delivered in the Theme-Header, qualified logo.jpeg
FYI: PayPal.gif has the same issue of not being found.
Warm Regards, Ronald Capodagli
Edited by - capodi on 10/21/2017 06:49:17