v. 6.5.4 - old table based site. Client added a category header text, then decided to delete it. It left a space after that particular category row. I've looked in the style sheets and finally found catdesc in inccategories.php.
I removed this from line 60 usecategoryformat = </td></tr><tr><td class="catdesc" colspan="2"> but it doesn't make a difference. How can I get rid of the space on that particular line?
Yes and there is a <br> in both the description and the header and it will not let me remove it. However, it's on all of the categories, and they don't have the visible space. Just this one line.
I will use the css. I tried, many times, to remove the break in the descriptions but it returns after submit. So I think that's in the code for layout 1. Thanks for this, it worked beautifully.