I am trying to tracking down a transaction reference for SagePay. They have asked for the VPSTxId. Is this stored in the MySQL database? I cannot find it.
Thank you.
CVW Web Design www.cvwdesign.co.uk | web design, web hosting and ecommerce templates www.cvwdesign.com | web design blog www.classic-bags.co.uk and www.toysandlearning.co.uk | websites built with ecommerce templates
OK, thanks. I have checked that now and it's Null so something must have gone wrong with this purchase I assume?
CVW Web Design www.cvwdesign.co.uk | web design, web hosting and ecommerce templates www.cvwdesign.com | web design blog www.classic-bags.co.uk and www.toysandlearning.co.uk | websites built with ecommerce templates