Each product is listed on the confirmation page with the Production description, Quantity and total for each. There is a sub total and grand total. I need to ALSO display the Quantity total on the confirmation page. How can I do this???
The Quantity total for each line item displays, however the total quantity for all items does not display. I have 3 products in my cart. the firs product is Qty. of 4 and the second product is Qty. of 6 and the third product is Qty. of 8, I would like at the bottom of the order, Total Quantities for all, which in this case would be Total Quantity: 18
Hi ardade, FYI - this can be done with javascript (and cookies) without a modification to the core files. I am picking up the total quantity of items in my .asp cart and using it for another purpose, but I just wanted to point out that it can be done without modding the core ect files, because you specifically asked for someone who can do a "modification".
If you can't find a developer to do it for you, I may be willing to help. I would need access to your cart as I don't have the php version.