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 reCAPTCHA Missing on Product Reviews
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Posted - 07/24/2018 :  08:18:21  
Just noticed that the reCAPTCHA image does not appear on product reviews where registered and trademark symbols are used in the product name. If a customer tries to submit a review, they cannot proceed because they get a notice that they must pass the reCAPTCHA which is not even shown.

Is there a universal fix for this, or must I remove all those symbols from the product names?

I just updated to 6.9.4, but this may have been happening for a while.

Any help here is most appreciated.


Edited by - DTPwarrior on 07/24/2018 08:30:46

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/24/2018 :  08:54:49  
Hi Doug

I just tested this and it was fine on my site but I see you are using search engine friendly extensionless URLs and you really wouldn't want symbols in the product name as they will appear all messed up in the URL and possibly lose the benefit of using that feature.


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Posted - 07/24/2018 :  09:01:21  

Thanks Andy,
I guess what you are telling me is that I cannot use any of those symbols in the Product Name when using SEO friendly URLs.

The products without any symbols are able to show the reCAPTCHA box without a problem. As you know, we have found problems with may other symbols like hyphens and slashes, etc. that just do not work with SEO URLs.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/24/2018 :  09:11:47  
I wouldn't use any symbols in the product name. I just tried it on your store and see the problem.


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42874 Posts

Posted - 07/25/2018 :  04:20:27  
Hi Doug
I was going to check here why it causes problems with reCAPTCHA when you have special characters in the product name, but we can't recreate it here and it seems the product on your site Andy was using to test with has had the char removed. Are there any remaining I could test with to see what the problem is?


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Posted - 07/25/2018 :  09:41:11  

Hi Vince,
I removed all the symbols yesterday from the product names. But I put one back for you to test.

It is PPS-0006, Natural Born Cosmetics® Liquid Powder Shine Eliminator

I just tested it using Firefox and the reCAPTCHA image does not appear. Yet, the next one, PPS-0007, the image appears in the product review form.

Let me know what you find out.

Best regards


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/25/2018 :  09:56:36  
Hi Doug

I'll have a look. In the meantime add this to ppc.css to line up the quantity field on the detail page



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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/25/2018 :  10:03:21  
The quantity box is also misaligned on the product page




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Posted - 07/25/2018 :  11:09:29  

Thanks for your suggestions Andy. I will do this later this evening when I get to my workstation.



42874 Posts

Posted - 07/25/2018 :  11:30:41  
Hi Doug
I had a look and I'm getting this error...

<b>Warning</b>: Use of undefined constant showOptOut - assumed 'showOptOut' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in <b>/home/pro/www/www/newsletter.php</b> on line <b>77</b>

This is happening in your newsletter.php and could stop scripts after that point executing. But the reCAPTCHA error I think is because Google will be assuming UTF-8 for the character set and your site is using iso-8859-1, and because of this you are getting a malformed uri sequence error. I really think that if you change the site to UTF-8 it will solve this, but you would have to go back and re-enter any special characters after you change the $adminencoding to UTF-8.


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Posted - 07/25/2018 :  11:41:07  

Thanks Vince. I cannot begin to understand what I need to do about the newsletter issue.

As for changing the character set, are you saying we would need to re-enter any special characters throughout the whole site, both product and detail pages, and every other page? If so, OUCH! Our site is content heavy with myriad uses of registered and trademark symbols (and others).

Not sure how to proceed.



42874 Posts

Posted - 07/25/2018 :  12:04:59  
Hi Doug
I think the first thing then would be to confirm that this is actually your problem. You could do this by changing the $adminencoding parameter, then edit the product we are testing with and re-enter the trademark symbol. Then try the detail page and see if reCAPTCHA appears. Then change the $adminencoding back. The reg char will appear garbled on your detail page during the test as your web pages have the charset set as iso-8859-1.


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Posted - 07/25/2018 :  12:15:45  
I am not at my workstation to look, but assume that the $adminencoding parameter is in the includes.php file?

I will do the test later this evening and let you know the results.

In the meantime, if you could explain the newsletter issue further as I do not know what it is you are suggesting. Are you saying that I should add ' ' marks to the statement showOptOut so that it reads 'showOptOut' on line 77?

Thanks again for your help.


Edited by - DTPwarrior on 07/25/2018 12:21:52

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Posted - 07/25/2018 :  16:13:15  
I put the parameter $adminencoding="UTF-8"; in the includes.php (both vsadmin and secret vsadmin) and it made no difference. The product PPS-0006 that still contained reg trademark symbol still did not allow the reCAPTCHA to render.

Again, once I removed the ® symbol from the product name, all renders well.

Except that using UTF-8, I now get a replacement symbol Natural Born Cosmetics#65533; Liquid Powder Shine Eliminator (? in a black diamond) in the Product Admin listing. After I removed the $adminencoding="UTF-8"; from the includes.php files, the product admin renders it correctly as Natural Born Cosmetics® Liquid Powder Shine Eliminator.

Puzzled in Virginia.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/25/2018 :  23:58:06  
Hi Doug

You would need to add this to includes.php


but also make sure your pages are using

<meta charset="utf-8">

rather than

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

After that you would add / change the symbols via the product admin as they would be entered & displayed using utf-8


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Posted - 07/26/2018 :  03:38:59  
Thanks for that clarification, Andy. I did notice that my pages are a mixture. Some of the pages are already <meta charset="utf-8"> and some are meta charset=iso-8859-1. Not sure how that got that way.

Now that I have removed all symbols from my product names, I am having no apparent issues with the reCAPTCHA rendering on the product review form. Any testing I do now will just be for information purposes.

But I will try it again later today.

Also, the css tweaks worked great. The price box now aligns correctly on both the product and detail pages. Thanks again.

best regards,


Edited by - DTPwarrior on 07/26/2018 05:29:53

Advanced Member

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Posted - 07/26/2018 :  16:49:24  

I do have a syntax question:

Did you mean replace the whole statement [red]<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />[/red]

with just this, [red]<meta charset="utf-8">[/red] ?

Or modify the statement to read - [red]<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />[/red] ?


Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 07/26/2018 :  17:48:03  
The correct one is <meta charset="utf-8">

Will - Bolton Manchester UK

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Posted - 07/26/2018 :  17:57:20  

Thanks for your reply, Will.

I have another question as a novice. The <head> section is grayed out and I cannot edit it to change the charset statement. I am using Dreamweaver CS3. What do you suppose is causing that to occur? Here is what I am seeing:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/2col.dwt.php" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->[/red]

<title>Paint and Powder Cosmetics | Pro Makeup Artist's #1 Choice</title>

The red above is grayed out and uneditable.

Your help is most appreciated.


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 07/26/2018 :  18:03:01  
Hi, that's because that part of the code is global and would be edited in the /Templates/2col.dwt.php file so it will apply to all pages.

Advanced Member

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Posted - 07/26/2018 :  18:09:12  
That's interesting. I looked inside both template files (2col.dwt.php and full.dwt.php) and they both have the following statements:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

Which is different than the grayed out statement calling for iso-8859-1 on the page in question.

Any other ideas? Could there be other template files it would draw from?


Edited by - DTPwarrior on 07/26/2018 18:10:05
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