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 All Orders not showing in customer login
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Advanced Member

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Posted - 09/02/2018 :  13:21:44  

In going over everything after updating to 6.9.4, I decided to login as a customer to see what a customer sees. From time to time I do test orders using my personal email. I had a customer login account already set up, so I recovered the password no problem and logged in. In going to the orders section, only 1 old 2014 order showed up. None of the recent test orders showed up. From an admin search, I have over 20 test orders using my personal email.

Why am I not seeing all the orders attached to this email address?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2018 :  13:54:50  

Could it be the test orders were made without using the customer login?


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Posted - 09/02/2018 :  15:22:01  

It seems to me that the order section would automatically populate all orders from the same email address. From your comment above,
am I to take it that unless the customer is logged in prior to completing the sale, he or she will not be able to view the order if logged in later.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2018 :  23:49:20  
If you go the client login admin page and view your account is there a message there showing that some orders have not been associated to the account, click to add them?


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Posted - 09/03/2018 :  10:40:32  

I did a quick read thru the manual to make sure I wasn't missing a parameter. All I see after login is 4 headers - Account Details - Address Mgt -
Gift Registry - Order Management.

Click on the header for order management and the 1 old order appears.

No button to add orders that I can find.


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2018 :  10:43:37  
Hi, it's your "admin" client login page. Click "modify" there next to the client in question.
There you can add orders to the client account that were placed while the client was not logged in.


Advanced Member

134 Posts

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Posted - 09/03/2018 :  18:58:30  
Ok, I see in the admin client area that I have 20 orders that I can link to the account.

I have been using ECT for over 15 years and the cart has always been great, but I do not get the thinking here. I never really looked
at the client login that closely, but I find we do have over 1500 accounts.

I guess I just assumed that all orders associated with an email address would automatically link to a login account. For us, order history is key. We do not use login levels etc. What is the purpose of having to manually link orders to a login account thru the admin section?

Looking at it from a customers point of view. If I want to go back later and look at my history and I happen not to have logged in at the
time of order, the order I may be looking at will not show up. Or if a customer decides to create an account later after an order, they would expect the past orders to show up.

Perhaps provide the same " x number of orders with this email are not registered to the account. To add them all please click here." to the customers side.

Or perhaps use a toggle in the includes for people like me who want all orders associated with an email to show up automatically
something like --- ShowAllOrdersOnLogin="True".


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2018 :  19:45:41  
I like this -
Or perhaps use a toggle in the includes for people like me who want all orders associated with an email to show up automatically
something like --- ShowAllOrdersOnLogin="True".

We custom wrote some code to hop to a customers admin account from the order details page. We find that many customers have orders that are not tied to their account.
We have almost 10,000 client accounts in our admin.
It would be great if there was a bulk utility to tie those "not linked" orders to the client account.
A parameter like you suggest to keep it going for any new orders where the client was not logged in for some reason.

I don't like the idea of forcing a customer to use a client account.
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