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 Froala creating unsupprted HTML tags
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Ecommerce Template Guru

4061 Posts

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Posted - 10/25/2018 :  19:06:52  

The Froala editior is causing headaches for me with the product description for the Google Mechant Feed.

WARNING: Unsupported HTML tags [description]

Froala is inserting html tags into the source code.

For example:
Zoo Med's (hyphen 's is being changed to & #3 9 ; )
K&H (& is changed to & amp)

Is there a way to stop/override Froala from using html tags? The hypen 's is used a lot and even if I go into the Source Code and type 's or & - it still saves it as a html tag.

Help! :)

Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/25/2018 :  19:11:09  
That's actually correct HTML for those characters.
I don't think I am having problems with my merchant feed. Is Google rejecting these products, or perhaps they are not rendering correctly on google?

I think it would be very easy to insert a replace function in Mike's script to fix those.

Ecommerce Template Guru

4061 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 10/25/2018 :  19:29:48  
I have 73 products reporting this error so far. :(

Seems like others are also starting to get this warning.. there are some postings in the Google forums about it.

I know that Froala is doing the "correct" thing but Google does not want HTML tags in the description. ::sigh::

Yes, I know I can find/replace but it's another step that I would really like to avoid.

Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds

Edited by - Positivek9 on 10/25/2018 19:33:33

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/25/2018 :  20:44:36  
Yes, I know I can find/replace but it's another step that I would really like to avoid.

No, I was saying, Mike can make a change in your merchant feed creator that will fix that.
I am sure I can do it for you, but ask him first. It's not fair for me to go around modding his stuff, so ask him first and I'm sure he can help.
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