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Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 01/11/2019 :  11:50:37  
I have the php version of your store and have been using it for many years. I have several instances of the store. The last orders stopped on Jan. 6, 2019. BOTH stores stopped recording sales. The charges for the sales are still being sent to PayPal, but the store shows no sales after the 6th. There are no customer receipts or notices to the seller being generated. I just updated one of the stores to version 7.0.2 which made no difference. Could there be an error in my database?

Any ideas? Ed Walsh 570-807-0471

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/11/2019 :  12:16:41  
Hi Ed

Can you try a test order and see if you get any sort of problem or error message?


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 01/11/2019 :  12:33:57  
To add to Andy's reply,
Perhaps your emails have stopped and you are not catching the orders as they come in (same day). In your admin, be sure to select a status type (the status orders are set to as they come in) and then click to search. This should show any new orders.

If you just click to view orders, it only shows "todays" orders, so again, perhaps you just need to select a status, or a date range.

Starting Member

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Posted - 01/11/2019 :  13:19:18  
Hi Andy,

No errors are generated. (unless I don't know where to look). I also checked the database and the orders are all there. They just don't show up in the store Orders Admin/View Orders. All the historical data seems fine.

Howdy dbdave,

I was just about to tell you they are just not there. But they are. All of them. So the problem comes down to either the creation of receipts and notices or something to do with our mail. I checked my server spam logs and no problem. I will now try a second test using an email address that is not on my server.

I'll let you know.


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 01/11/2019 :  13:37:47  
Hi Ed, if you are using the "email a friend" feature on your product details pages, try that to see if you receive the email.
Perhaps your host made some changes, and your store emails are not working.

Starting Member

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Posted - 01/11/2019 :  13:40:00  

I just placed a third order using an unrelated email address and got nothing back, either a customer receipt nor a store owners notification. I checked the email in setup and it is fine. I copied it and sent an email from the address and I got it just fine.

Starting Member

7 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 01/11/2019 :  13:43:35  
"Perhaps your host made some changes, and your store emails are not working."

That gives me an idea to check on. Plesk has separate permission to allow scripts to send email. I didn't turn it off but I will check it now.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/11/2019 :  13:49:19  
I would enable Email as a payment method and test that as it should help narrow down the problem.


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