Posted - 07/29/2019 : 02:39:11
We are getting this error on our home page:
'Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data02/c8670187/public_html/index.php:1) in /data02/c8670187/public_html/vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php on line 1672'
You can see it here:
This is the session start information on the index.php
<?php session_cache_limiter('none'); session_start(); ob_start(); include "vsadmin/db_conn_open.php"; include "vsadmin/inc/languagefile.php"; include "vsadmin/includes.php"; include "vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php"; include "vsadmin/inc/metainfo.php";?>
And here is the line which causes the problem
<?php include "vsadmin/inc/inccrosssell.php"; ?>
I did a bit of googling about this issue, and it seems to have to do with the php session being already started.