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63 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 10/07/2019 :  11:37:09  
Hi, I am looking at the Felicity premium template and have a pre-sale Q.

Can I have the layout 2 product page as shown on the layout 2 selection when looking at the product page (two column with image on top of the info)

and then have layout 3 for the product Detail page (image on the side of description) like this example

I already have an ect store for .asp and looking too update.

I just like the image above on the prod page and on the side for the detail page and wondering if I can do that. Could that be controlled in the includes, or is that a hard template layout thing.

On last Q on the detail page link example: If I do leave/use that layout with the image on top, can the image NOT be so huge. I don't see any "enlarge" link in the demo store unless I am missing it. Right now the detail page on my site has a 200 x 200 image with a link to click to enlarge. Most of my existing "large" images are 600 to 700 pixels and I don't want to redo all my images to look good/not pixelated at a larger size as seen on this template example default because I am thinking it may cause that situation.

Can you talk a little more about this image size aspect of the Felicty premium template too.

Thank you in advance, Em


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2019 :  12:02:16  
Hi Em
Sure, I don't think mixing the layouts should be a problem at all. The CSS is divided into sections so all you would have to do is copy the section marked...
/* The product detail page
...from one CSS file to the other.

As for the image size, in the CSS there is a Maximum Width set but if the image is not greater than 100% of the available area (which it sounds like yours are not) then it will just be the actual size, and won't be pixelated.

Does that answer the questions?


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63 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 10/07/2019 :  12:08:53  
Yes, EXCELLENT! Thank you, Em

New Member

63 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 10/07/2019 :  12:45:59  
OK, I do have another Q.

My current ECT store is Ecommerce PlusASP v6.6.5

So, is this the procedure I need to follow:

Upgrade my existing store to the current "A new recommended version is available: v7.0.6" per my dashboard?

Then, purchase the Felicity Premium template. Is that already good for the v7.0.6? Or do I need to do something more in regard to compatibility with my existing store and the new template/database fields?

While I have already purchased add ons Mini CSS Widgets in the past, is the premium template come with that, or I just draw those template features from my already purchased Mini CSS Widgets.

I am getting ready to pull the trigger and just want to know what my initial steps are to go from my existing store to the new template.

I will deal with the rest of the setup once I get the new template installed. I think I will need to change some of my includes since my site has some different setup/display includes and I want the site to be more like the Felicity look then how I have the site now. But I should be able to figure that out on my own... For the most part:-)

Thank you in advance, Em


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2019 :  15:29:13  
Hi Em
Before I forget, if you already have a template license then you get a discount for the Premium Responsive Design as here...
Yes, updating the current site to v7.0.6 sounds like a good idea. Make sure you have included the ectcart.css and ectcart.js files...
The mini css widgets is included with the new template.
Make sure to take a backup of the site before you start.


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