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 PHP (Unix / Linux / Apache) versions
 Which PHP version should be selected on Servelink?
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Posted - 10/29/2019 :  04:54:00  
There are lots of PHP versions to select on Servelink. Which one should we be using?

5.6.40 (outdated)
7.0.33 (outdated)

Also "run PHP as":
FPM application served by Apache
FPM application served by nginx

I currently have 7.1.33 selected as well as FPM application served by Apache with no cart issues, but since I switched to 7.1.33 my T-Hub doesn't work. I have a ticket in with them, but we all know that will take forever to resolve.

Wondering if there is any disadvantage to switching to one of the outdated versions in the meantime?

Thanks! Rusty

Happy to use ECT since 2005!


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/29/2019 :  06:08:09  
Hi Rusty
I don't think you will have any problems at all on PHP 7.0.33 so I would try that if it helps until this is resolved.


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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 10/29/2019 :  08:43:51  
but since I switched to 7.1.33 my T-Hub doesn't work. I have a ticket in with them, but we all know that will take forever to resolve.

I think the main problem with T Hub is it doesn't use the new mysqli database connection, and as PHP 7x only uses the new mysqli connection you'll need to have a word with T Hub.

There's a post here with regard to the same issue -

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Edited by - Phil on 10/29/2019 08:44:31

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Posted - 10/29/2019 :  09:29:54  
I tried the 7.0.33, T-Hub still doe not work.

Yes I agree, the mysqli is the culprit. I just keep hounding them ;)


Happy to use ECT since 2005!

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 10/29/2019 :  12:10:05  
Outdated versions are so marked because, well, they are outdated and no longer receive bug fixes or security updates such as the important CVE-2019-11043 security update that was released at the end of last week. All our servers are already updated to this level. PHP versions <7.1 will not see this fix.

PHP 7.3.11 is the one to use unless there's some compelling reason not to. We have ECT sites managed by us using T-Hub that have been running fine on PHP 7.3 for 6 months+ although you will need to press Atandra to get their updated mysqli compatible code.


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Posted - 10/29/2019 :  12:33:55  
So, what your are saying is that they have the updated code, it just isn't available for us to download?

Happy to use ECT since 2005!

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 10/29/2019 :  12:39:09  
Last time, if I recall correctly, our client hit up Atandra and they provided updated code, yes. It took a couple of attempts and a couple of days and we still had to edit it a little to remove some deprecated methods and future proof it some, but it definitely exists.


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Posted - 10/29/2019 :  13:19:37  
Sounds like you don't want to share Peter ;)

Just drop those files in a dropbox somewhere and let us at them :)

Happy to use ECT since 2005!

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 10/29/2019 :  16:06:23  
I don't really think I should be sharing their proprietary code, but in any case the version I see working here is quite different from yours and has been customized and generally hacked about a bit over the years. They were fairly responsive last time my client was in touch directly, so I'd try there first and if you're really stuck after that I could maybe attempt to patch it up for you.


Professional ecommerce web hosting services
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Posted - 10/31/2019 :  08:40:09  
T-Hub is working on the code as I type! Persistence pays off!

Anyone that is using T-Hub and needs an update, now is the time to submit a ticket. maybe that way they can just provide updated pages for everyone.


Happy to use ECT since 2005!
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