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 Setting up a Sales section
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ECT Moderator

3832 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2020 :  04:18:37  
A client wants to set up a sales section on her site. Setting up a new category of course is no problem. I tried to find information about the rest of her wishes but did not find it. This is the client´s vision:

1) New category "Sales" - no problem.

2) This sales category will show every months different products from other categories, the products should show in both the sales and their original category.

3) Sometimes whatever is shown in "sales" may remain until the stock is sold out, sometimes the products will be removed out from sales after a month.

4) Items in the sales category shall show their original price crossed out and the new, reduced price.

5) If possible the sales category shall not show the regular "buy button" but a more distinct sales button.

Which of these requests are possible and if so, how?

Thanks in advance

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Anne Strebe

Webhosting & Design
ECT carts,
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42874 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2020 :  05:08:20  
Hi Anne
It does sound like a lot of this can be done with Additional Sections which you should see when editing the product. Just use that to add it to this Sales category. Then have the current price as the price and the pre-sale price as the List Price. If you set the parameter...
Then out of stock items are not displayed.
I'm sure you could have a different button for the sale category but it would mean having a different page for that category and you can set up a static page using the Category URL and then making a copy of the main category page.

And a Happy New Year to you, Anne!! Long time no see.


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ECT Moderator

3832 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2020 :  05:19:07  
Thanks Vince, this all sounds easier than I first thought. Thanks a lot.

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Anne Strebe

Webhosting & Design
ECT carts,
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ECT Moderator

3832 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2020 :  09:05:48  
The first sales product is now set up, the client will continue adding. At this moment I placed a simple link to the sales section at the beginning of the home page. Looks very simple. Is there a possibility to set up 5-10 products similar to the crosssell products that show on the same page?

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Anne Strebe

Webhosting & Design
ECT carts,
Installation, mods & updaters

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