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 Exclude Product ID from Search
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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1110 Posts

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Posted - 03/18/2020 :  11:54:07  

A lot of the products we sell have product names that includes terms such as 30th, 40th etc but we see a lot of customers searching for single terms like 30.

The issue they are having is it shows lots of irrelevant results due to the search also being made on the product ID.

We have added $nosearchsku=TRUE; to includes.php so the SKU is not searched but we could really do with a similar option to prevent the product ID being searched as the user normally leaves the site after a search like this due to the large number of results that are irrelevant.

If they search for 30th then they get very relevant results and spend a bit of time on the site and often go on to purchase.

Please could you let me know if there is a way to exclude product ID's too?



42874 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2020 :  03:24:19  
Hi David
There isn't a way to not search the product ID as that is normally the most relevant match. But do you have the incremental search turned on? What appears in the dropdown when they type "30"?


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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1110 Posts

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Posted - 03/19/2020 :  09:32:53  
Hi Vince,

That's a shame as we rely on the search terms and product names to deliver relevant search results for the products we sell.

I'll take a look at the incremental search and see what results I get.



42874 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2020 :  12:54:00  
Hi David
Ok, thinking about it as there are parameters to not search most of the other columns, I've added on to not search the product id either. So if you get a new copy of the v7.2 updater and copy the files...
vsadmin/ajaxservice.php your site. And then add this parameter to your includes.php file...
Then there should be no search of the product id.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1110 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 03/20/2020 :  01:06:38  
Hi Vince,

WOW that's perfect thank you!

You've just reminded me why I've been happily using ECT for over 10 years.

Great cart with great support

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