Posted - 05/27/2021 : 07:43:29
Here is a quick example of what it was on the incemail.php.
Line: 21, 22, 27, 30. They have {} curly braces (as seen below). After I replaced them with [] in my code now it fixed the issues (so far I had to fix incart.php ,incemail.php and incprducts.php). I don't have the exact line number for incproducts.php but I can revert back to give you that if needed. It was 1 line only.
for($i=0; $i< strlen($hkey); $i++){ $ipad[$i] ^= ord($hkey{$i}); $opad[$i] ^= ord($hkey{$i}); $idata[$i]=($ipad[$i] & 0xFF); $odata[$i]=($opad[$i] & 0xFF); } for($i=0; $i< strlen($text); $i++){ $idata[64+$i]=ord($text{$i}) & 0xFF; } for($i=0; $i< strlen($idatastr); $i++){ $idatastr{$i}=chr($idata[$i] & 0xFF); } for($i=0; $i< strlen($odatastr); $i++){ $odatastr{$i}=chr($odata[$i] & 0xFF); }