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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2025 :  02:25:59  
These are the issues I am trying to sort out.

The only way I can change the colour of the blue buttons is in the ectcart.css.
Changing colours in any of the ectstyledetails1.css or ectproducts1.css makes no difference.

I need to remove the Paypal button from the first shopping cart page as I just get an error failed to fetch.
Or how to fix this error. The checkout buttons work fine to get to Paypal.

I would also like to change Paypal buttons from the yellow ones to the softer grey and blue ones.

The icons on the buttons don't show in Chrome and only some show on Safari on my phone.

The tabs on the product page don't work as they should.

I want the currency and $ sign to the left of the amount not on the right.

The Home link on the created breadcrumbs on the products and product details page links to Categories.
How to get it to link to Home?

Downloadable products

Where do we edit all these parameters?

$digidownloademail="Your email message here if any downloadable products";

And where do put the path to the downloadable product and its filename?


ECT Moderator

10450 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2025 :  11:43:30  
Hi, Shajmc, first, welcome to the forum here.
Browsers load stylesheets in the order they are called in your html, so you should have your sites working stylesheet (usually style.css) called last - after all other stylesheet calls.
Browsers will follow the last instructions given for a class or id.
So what you want to do is add any classes you want to alter, to your style.css file and never edit the ect css files.
This will make it "updater proof" meaning when you install new updates, you typically will never need to make those edits again..
If you do not follow this, you will make your update installations more time consuming.

It sounds like you are using paypal express and that will place a button first checkout page because it will collect the address from paypal and bypass that page in your cart.
If you do not want that service, you can turn it off, or choose a more suitable paypal service.

I'm not sure if you can change those buttons, I believe the buttons are generated by the connection to paypal.

For the icons, I would need to understand which icons you are referring to...

For the home link, I believe you would find that in categories and set the url to any page you like.
It typically has the "working name" of Category Root.

The digital download feature is covered on this page -
The parameters you list would be in the vsadmin>includes.php file.
If they do not exist, just like any of the parameters (covered below), you simply add them in.

There are a world of parameters you can set to control many aspects of the cart.
On the "How it works" menus on the left of this page, there is PHP Parameters

I think I covered it all - please post back with any more issues.
The forum search (top right of this page) is a valuable tool to search where others have had the same questions as you.

Thanks (or rather Cheers Mate ),

Edited by - dbdave on 01/18/2025 11:48:42

ECT Moderator

10450 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2025 :  12:03:16  
Further helpful info
In the vsadmin folder, there are "languagefile" where wording is set for much of the text that shows throughout your website.
Many folks want to make changes to some of this wording and there is a "best practice" for doing this.
Much like the css, you copy any of those languagefile entries over to your includes.php file and make the change there.
This again, give you and "updater proof" solution.

Lastly, in the future when you update your store, it's good to know that all files in the vsadmin folder are subject to change with two exceptions.
Updaters do not include two files - the database conection file and the includes.php file.
So if you can, you should avoid editing the core files in the vsadmin folder unless there is no other way to accomplish something you are wanting to do.

In the end, it's great that you have access to the files to make custom edits if you need to, but often there is was way to make changes without editing those files.
Personally in my store (I'm not an ect staff, just a store owner that helps out here), I have some clever things in checkout, but I did it all with javascript rather then editing the back end files.

I think my point is to feel free to ask before hacking into the code and making future updates difficult.
If you do alter the back in code though, we can show you tricks to making those updates easier.


Edited by - dbdave on 01/18/2025 12:05:04

Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2025 :  17:28:10  
Thank you so much for your detailed responses, David.

OK, I had copied some style info from the ectcart.css to the ectstylebase.css file, so I'm on the right track there.

I'm using Paypal Checkout, so possibly setting with my Paypal account to sort out the buttons.

The icons I'm referring to are the ones on the buttons - Checkout, Add to Cart, etc buttons.

Ah ok, so any parameters we want to use just add them to the includes.php file. That makes sense. I was starting to wonder if that was the way to go but wasn't sure.
I shall continue to edit things and test.

I look further at the categories issue.

Lots to learn but getting there and very happy with the shopping cart setup and functionality.

Thanks again.



ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7699 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2025 :  04:15:51  
I look further at the categories issue.

Just add this line to your vsadmin/includes.php file


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