Ecommerce Templates > PHP Version Help > Payment Processors >
Ecommerce Templates supports integration methods, AIM (Advanced integration method), Accept Hosted (Originally SIM) and SIM (now deprecated). If you use the AIM method you will need an SSL certificate, either your own or shared from your host. This is because the credit card details are taken on your site over a secure (https) connection. You don't get to see the credit card details and they are not stored in your database. For refund / reporting cases, the last four digits will be available to you through the control panel. Using the Accept Hosted / SIM method means that the customer will be transferred to the secure payment form on their servers to enter the credit card details so a SSL certificate is not required but recommended.
If you choose to use (AIM), it is possible to enroll in the Verified program.
You will need an ssl certificate installed on your server
Now, in your Ecommerce Template admin, go to the Payment Providers section, click "Modify" for Authorize.Net AIM and enter your API Login ID and Transaction Key where indicated. Make sure the system is set to "Enabled" and is in demo mode to allow you to test easily.
You should now be ready to run some tests through the system. To test, use the following visa card number with any date in the future. 4007000000027
When you're ready to go live, don't forget to take Authorize.Net out of demo mode in your Ecommerce Plus Template admin section.
Now, in your Ecommerce Template admin, go to the Payment Providers section, click "Modify" for Authorize.Net SIM and enter your API Login ID, Transaction Key and Signature Key where indicated. Make sure the system is set to "Enabled" and is in demo mode to allow you to test easily. Set the Integration Method to "Use Accept Hosted"
You should now be ready to run some tests through the system. To test, use the following visa card number with any date in the future. 4007000000027
When you're ready to go live, don't forget to take Authorize.Net out of demo mode in your Ecommerce Plus Template admin section.
Included with your store template there is a special file in the admin directory called wpconfirm.php. The function of this file is to interpret the response from Authorize.Net. You need to enter the URL of this file in your Authorize.Net admin section to indicate that it is a valid URL. To do this:
Now, in your Ecommerce Template admin, go to the Payment Providers section, click "Modify" for Authorize.Net SIM and enter your API Login ID and Transaction Key where indicated. Make sure the system is set to "Enabled" and is in demo mode to allow you to test easily.
You should now be ready to run some tests through the system. To test, use the following visa card number with any date in the future. 4007000000027
When you're ready to go live, don't forget to take Authorize.Net out of demo mode in your Ecommerce Plus Template admin section.
If you receive an error such as "The referrer, relay response or receipt link URL is invalid" or an error number 14, then please check that the Store URL in your Admin Main page is correct. The Store URL should be the URL of the base of your store. If it´s not in a subdirectory it would be If it is in a subdirectory then you will need to add that, for instance . . .
Do remember to change for the actual URL of your site. You´ll be surprised how many trip up on that one.
If you receive the error "(13) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive." then check that in the Merchant Login ID under the payment providers page of the Admin Control Panel you have entered the Login number not the Merchant ID number.
If you receive an unspecified error then log into your merchant control panel and click on Settings and Profile -> Direct Response (under the Transaction Response heading) -> Then under Direct Response Delimiter make sure "Field Encapsulation Character" is set to nothing.
AIM Method only
If you receive an error message
like this:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init()
... it probably means that the cURL component is not installed
on your server. cURL is required for connecting to the UPS server.
UPS requires communication over a secure (HTTPS) connection and
cURL is the only way to do it really. if it's not available, check
wiith your host to see if they would add it. It's quite simple,
free and there are details here . . .
An alternative is provided for those that don't have cURL compiled
into PHP, but where the host provides cURL on the command line.
To use this feature you need to set the path to the cURL binary
on your server in the parameter $pathtocurl in your vsadmin/includes.php
file. For instance...
This was introduced in version 4.3.0, and if that line doesn't appear in your includes.php file, you can add it to the list.
Please do read our guide here on credit card fraud.
More information
If you want to accept echecks through (AIM) then you will need this addition to includes.php. We have some more features for the set up here.
For more information, rates and support, please visit the Authorize.Net website.